
Carretta is a company based on core values and is composed of a diverse team focused on shared goals. Providing custom machinery and robotics for industrial manufacturing: our mission is to create a competitive advantage and superior value for customers and stakeholders.

Core Values

At Carretta we stretch the boundaries of what can be achieved through automation engineering, building on courage, respect, open innovation, and reliability.

These are not just our core values: they are the drivers at the heart of our success and our added value.


We are often pioneers and enjoy challenges. We are committed to making production environments a better place through the pursuit of “people-friendly” equipment and easy-to-use enterprise automation platforms that combine simplicity and modularity.


Respect for people and respect for work environments.

Open Innovation

In addition, we make use of know-how, skills, and technological tools that originate from external sources, such as startups, universities, inventors, and suppliers.


Trust is serious business, as is our commitment to the timely response to new demands and the continued evolution of technology.